Back in October 2008, I started pursuing the LDS Church. I had a friend at School, who I knew was a member of the LDS Church. We would have conversations about it during our Arts & Humanities Class. Even got yelled at a few times for talking so much, mainly just me though. I kept asking the typical weird offensive Anti-Mormon questions.
Eventually I started to notice that there wasn't anything I could do to compete with him because he didn't want to be antagonistic, he just wanted to help me understand. In no way, shape, or form would he argue with me. Every time I tried to get him to argue he refused.
Because even though I was a Nondenominational Christian at the time I knew what I thought was a lot, about the LDS Church... I came to realize later, that in reality I knew absolutely nothing! My friend had suggested that I get unto the website so I did and for some reason I requested a Book Of Mormon. It wasn't even a big deal to me at that time. I thought they would send it to me in the mail or something like that, since the form had asked for my address.
About two weeks later, (I think I can't exactly remember) two guys in White shirts (Elders, I later found out!) were riding bikes, I was taking out the trash to the side of the curb and they gave me my first Book Of Mormon, I had requested earlier.
It took about oh gosh, about 6 MONTHS to get to this point in my life. Nothing can possibly match the feelings that you feel when you experience being washed clean and knowing that there is nothing that can possibly come between you and your Heavenly Father. NOTHING! Without a shadow of a doubt I truly believe that to be true. I know that God, Heavenly Father sent Joseph Smith to the earth to prepare the Book of Mormon and get us the gifts of the Restored Gospel.